Wireless Apple Carplay Zlink/Autokit connection

Some friends complain that Wireless Apple Carplay (Zlink/ Autokit) is hard to connect, and some friends feedback there is NO SOUND duing phone calls or playing the musics. This blog post will offer some guide on this issue.
Note: If your car installed the BMW Carplay module (keep original BMW display, instead of Android OS screen), this guide is not fit for your case.
We took the "Zlink" App (Built-in Apple Carplay/ Android Auto) as an example.
How to connect Apple Carplay in correct way?
1, Make sure the "Android Bluetooth " is "ON".
To connect the "Zlink" via wireless connection, it quest to pair the Bluetooth of Android screen, thus, it need to set the "Android Bluetooth" to "ON"
in the factory setup menu.

2, Turn on "Bluetooth" & "Wi-Fi" in the cellphone.
To use the Apple Carplay, you must make sure the "Bluetooth" & "Wi-Fi" is always "ON".
3, Pair the phone to Android Bluetooth
(1) If you can not pair the Bluetooth, you can delete some history paird records from the phone / android screen, then try it again. can rebooth the phone/android screen if necessary.
(2) After paired the Bluetooth, it will switch to Apple Carplay automatically. If it connected the Bluetooth, but it don't switch to Carplay automatically, it show "connecting" always in the menu and not access to Carplay menu.
Please check your phone: under the "Bluetooth", if it has too much bluetooth records, you can delete some useless Bluetooth records, and try it again.
also, notice the cellphone can not connected to two or more Bluetooth device at the same time. Please check below video for more details.
Notice: Don't connect your phone to Bluetooth (OEM Bluetooth or Android Bluetooth) while using the Carplay!
The Apple Carplay is base on Bluetooth technology, it NOT allow to use Bluetooth at the same time. No matter that is OEM (original) Bluetooth, or Android Bluetooth, you should disconnect it if you decide to use Apple Carplay. To make sure your phone is just connect to Carplay ONLY.
If your phone connected to Bluetooth, at the same time, it connected to Apple Carplay, it might have " no sound" problem, or it is hard to connect it.
You can turn off the OEM Bluetooth in factory car menu, make it "deactivated"
or can remove the car Bluetooth 's name in the cellphone by "forget this device".
How to fixed "NO sound" problem?
Some friends claim " no sound" problems when he using the Apple Carplay. it might have several reasons:
1, The phone connected to original car Bluetooth while he using the Apple Carplay.
As mentioned above, the Carplay not allow to use Bluetooth at the same time.
2, The "AUX" " USB/AUX " in factory car menu is NOT actived.
The Apple Carplay is one of Apps of BMW Android screen, same as other Android functions, the sound work via "AUX" (CCC/CIC/NBT) or "USB/AUX" (For EVO car),thus, although your phone have connected to the Apple Carplay, but you should make sure the "AUX"/ "USB/AUX " is actived.
3, Check the settings.
When making phone calls, the sound is quite low level, how to check the settings.
(1) Volume setting
(2) Android / Sound setting, set to maxium for all options.
(3) MIC gain setting (in factory setup menu), set it as 3/4.