How to solve the problem that OEM Mercedes-Benz Knob Control not work on Android screen upgrade
09.13.2024 | Koason | FAQ


Many customers who purchased KOASON Mercedes-Benz NTG4.0/4.5/4.7 Android screens found that the original knobs did not work, and they did not work on both the original interface and the Android interface.
This phenomenon usually occurs when there is a problem with the installation or settings, and the following checks need to be done:

1. First confirm whether your car has optical fiber. If it does, you need to switch to optical fiber. If not, please ignore it.Click for details

2. The Android power cable comes with an adapter plug. Cars with NTG4.0 need to be plugged into the KOASON screen NTG4.0 plug, and cars with NTG4.5/4.7 need to be plugged into the KOASON screen NTG4.5 plug.


3.Enter Android factory mode to check whether the CAN protocol selection is correct. For NTG4.0 cars, select option 2: 4.0. For NTG4.5 and NTG4.7 cars, select option 3: 4.5.

Routes:Settings-Factory(Key:2018)-CAN protocol

Note: After entering KOASON Mercedes Android touchscreen factory mode, the CAN protocol selection is generally correct. Please click the correct option again and confirm.

4.After selecting the correct CAN protocol, press the reset button on the side of the screen to restart. It would work out.